The Call for Proposals is an opportunity for you to share your experience, knowledge and skills in tertiary education sustainability at the annual ACTS conference. All proposals must be submitted electronically through the Proposal Submission Form and we strongly recommend you review the information on this page before preparing your proposal.

Important Dates

  • Call for Proposals submission deadline: July 12, 2024
  • Acceptance notifications: August 1, 2024
  • Presenter registration deadline (and presenter discount expires): September 27, 2024
  • Conference dates: November 5 – 8, 2024

Session Type

We are excited to invite submissions for the ACTS Conference to support a dynamic and interactive event. We are seeking proposals for sessions that maximise the benefits of in-person participation in the following formats:

Conversations (90 minutes)

A Conference Conversation begins with presenters sharing real-life examples of best practices in their field. Following a brief introduction, the session transitions to an interactive discussion where delegates can explore how these practices might be implemented within their own institutions. This format emphasises dialogue and knowledge exchange, avoiding the presentation format in favour of a more collaborative approach.

Case-study (30 minutes)

These sessions will showcase specific examples of best practices, innovative projects, or research findings. Presenters will have 20 minutes to share their case study, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session. This format is ideal for highlighting unique initiatives and providing concise, impactful insights. Note: If case-studies are not selected for the conference, they will be referred to the virtual program schedule.

Roundtable (1 hour)

Roundtable sessions are designed to facilitate in-depth discussions on specific topics. Each session will be led by a moderator who will guide the conversation, ensuring that all participants have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and experiences. This format encourages peer-to-peer learning and collaborative problem-solving.

Workshop  (1 – 2 hours)

Workshops provide a hands-on, interactive environment where participants can engage deeply with the subject matter. These sessions can range from 1 to 2 hours and should include practical activities, group exercises, and opportunities for skill-building. Workshops are ideal for topics that benefit from active participation and experiential learning.

By focusing on these in-person session formats, we aim to create a vibrant and engaging conference atmosphere that promotes networking, hands-on learning, and meaningful discussions. We recognise the value of virtual learning opportunities, and as such the Call for Proposals also provides the opportunity to submit for sessions as part of the ACTS year-round virtual program.

Session Level

All submitters self-identify their proposals as introductory, intermediate or advanced. ACTS defines each level as follows:


Foundational in nature and sessions are designed for attendees who have no prior background or are just starting in the domain of practice presented in the session.


Designed for participants who have a working knowledge of the topic and a few years of experience in the domain of practice.


Designed for participants who have a detailed knowledge of the topic and specific experience applying or using this knowledge in a professional capacity over a long period of time.

Presenter acknowledgement

If your proposal is accepted, you will need to agree to the following conditions:

  • Proposals must be submitted by completing the Proposal Submission Form.
  • Deadlines are set. There will be no deadline extensions or exceptions.
  • Conference presenters (up to 4 presenters per session) receive a 10% discount off the costs of a full conference registration. All presenters must register by September 27, 2024 to access the presenter discount.
  • Presenters must be prepared to accept recommendations from the ACTS Conference Working Group (ACWG) regarding any revisions that are deemed to be appropriate for the final session.
  • The ACWG reserves the right to accept or refuse any proposal.
  • The ACWG reserves the right to allocate a session type, which differs from that applied. Should this be necessary the Working Group will liaise with the presenter(s) involved.
  • Presenters agree to adhere to the deadlines and important dates and understand that non-compliance may result in their session being removed from the program.